
  1. 3. tell someone that that something bad may happen
  2. 5. to take out money from your account
  3. 6. gave some information
  4. 8. said that something was not true
  5. 10. can not stopp
  6. 13. said you were not happy about something
  7. 14. account where you keep your money
  8. 16. a type of loan for buying house or flat
  1. 1. to recive something you need to give back
  2. 2. change your work possition to something better
  3. 4. when you no longer work
  4. 7. owe money
  5. 9. papper that shows you what you need to pay
  6. 11. promise someone that you will get married
  7. 12. said that something was true, although you knew that others people may dissagree
  8. 15. cash dispenserUK