
  1. 2. Financial account statement
  2. 3. Having no money
  3. 5. card This is the card that receives the money
  4. 6. number required to make cash transactions at an ATM or while using the card.
  5. 7. card Settlement car Brand A trademark is a symbol, sign or name designed to distinguish one manufacturer's product from another.
  6. 11. out Goods bought back
  7. 15. Action to negotiate the price
  8. 17. A person who buys or uses services
  9. 18. a paper document usually used for advertising purposes.
  10. 19. account Account where money is saved
  1. 1. process with large discounts
  2. 2. Repayment of the amount paid
  3. 4. Borrowed money
  4. 8. Insures against the consequences of certain risk actions
  5. 9. surgery Surgical procedure to change appearance
  6. 10. An object of great value
  7. 12. Not getting up on time
  8. 13. machine The machine from which the money comes
  9. 14. Human Aspiration
  10. 16. out Distribution