
  1. 2. of command: The hierarchical structure of authority within an organization, defining who reports to whom.
  2. 3. behavior: Actions and decisions made by individuals or households when purchasing goods or services.
  3. 5. Payment made in parts over a specified period rather than in a lump sum.
  4. 7. bank: The institution responsible for regulating a country's monetary policy, issuing currency, and overseeing the banking system.
  5. 8. growth: The increase in a company's earnings over time, typically measured as a percentage.
  6. 10. misconduct: Unethical or illegal behavior by a company or its employees, often resulting in harm to stakeholders.
  7. 11. Money earned through employment, investments, or other sources.
  8. 12. Taking measures to stop or avoid something undesirable from happening.
  9. 14. The process of raising funds by issuing stocks or bonds to finance a company's operations or investments.
  10. 18. Financial assistance or support provided by the government to individuals or businesses to promote certain activities.
  11. 19. The ease with which an asset can be converted into cash without affecting its market price.
  1. 1. share: The portion of total sales or revenue earned by a company within a specific industry or market.
  2. 2. The system of money used in a particular country or region.
  3. 4. A business venture or project, typically involving risk and initiative.
  4. 6. Market structure characterized by a small number of large firms dominating the industry.
  5. 9. banking: Banking services provided to individual consumers rather than businesses or institutions.
  6. 13. profit: The remaining amount after deducting all expenses from total revenue.
  7. 15. and liabilities: Assets are resources owned by a company, while liabilities are obligations or debts owed by the company.
  8. 16. Money owed by an individual, organization, or government to another party.
  9. 17. revenue: Generating significant income from sales or business activities.