
  1. 2. Account An account used to store money that is used for everyday expenses.
  2. 4. Ways you spend your money to try and earn more money.
  3. 7. A regular position where you earn money by performing tasks
  4. 8. A bank gives you money to spend now, you must give the bank their money back later or over the course of many years. Failure to pay off these loans could result in debt and increase in interest over time.
  5. 13. An organization or person that employs workers.
  6. 16. Account A type of bank account used for saving lots of money long term.
  7. 17. Things that are necessary to live (for example, food, water, and a home).
  8. 19. A place that keeps your money safe for you in an account.
  9. 21. The financial cost required for something.
  10. 22. A person who takes the risk to start a business that sells and provides a service or product.
  11. 26. When you take money out of your bank account and get cash.
  12. 28. a plan to save or spend money, typically for a specific purpose.
  13. 29. Can be used to buy goods and services
  14. 30. An amount of money given to an employee, for working for an organization, every time a certain period passes (week, month, year).
  1. 1. Management The process of deciding which customers to extend credit to and evaluating the customers' creditworthiness over time.
  2. 3. anything that adds value and productivity to a business such as employees and machinery
  3. 5. A person who works for an organization.
  4. 6. An enterprise that sells a service or product.
  5. 9. A place where money is safely kept for you at a bank.
  6. 10. Income: Money received regularly as a reward for people putting in work into something or receiving it or through investments.
  7. 11. ways the government can collect money from its citizens to pay for things that people need.
  8. 12. is a small amount of money banks pay you for depositing money within them.
  9. 14. financial benefit offered in return for someone doing something
  10. 15. A special piece of paper that when brought to the bank can be exchanged for cash or money in your account. You can write a check for any amount, although make sure you have enough money in the account you are writing it from.
  11. 18. The act of giving money for goods and services.
  12. 20. Card: A card used to buy everyday items. When you buy items with this type of card money does not directly leave your bank account until the bill is paid at the end of the month with all the purchases you made.
  13. 23. Fund; Money saved up in case of unlikely events that could serve as a threat to an individual, group of individuals, or an enterprise.
  14. 24. Choosing not to spend money in the present to be able to use it in the future.
  15. 25. The profession that you pursue long-term. The skills you will gain working a job will help you earn more money with your career.
  16. 26. A certain thing that or group of things that an individual or organization would like to have or maintain.
  17. 27. A set of financial metrics or aims for an individual or group to achieve or maintain.
  18. 31. Management assessing financial and security risks to an organization’s money and earning.