
  1. 3. The restaurant will ___ an extra fee for home delivery services.
  2. 5. Many people _______ in the stock market hoping for high returns.
  3. 7. After months of saving, they finally could _______ the down payment on their new house.
  4. 9. They are working hard to pay off their credit card ___ before the end of the year.
  5. 10. She works hard to ___ a living and support her family.
  1. 1. When his grandmother passed away, he ___ a small fortune.
  2. 2. I still _______ $200 to my friend for the concert ticket she bought for me.
  3. 4. I don't have enough money to buy the book, so I decided to ___ it from the library.
  4. 6. It's not good to ___ food when so many people in the world are hungry.
  5. 8. Could you please _______ me your pen for a moment? I need to sign this document.