  1. 4. if you're ... independent, you earn a living on your own
  2. 6. money that you have saved in a bank or invested so that you can use it later
  3. 8. personal identification number: a set of four numbers that you put into a cash machine in order to take money out of your bank account
  4. 9. a plastic card given by a bank that you use for paying for things. It moves money automatically from your bank account to the account of the person you are paying.
  5. 12. notes and coins
  1. 1. to give someone all the money that you have borrowed from them to buy something
  2. 2. something you buy that costs much less than normal
  3. 3. having a large amount of money, land, and other valuable things
  4. 5. a machine that gives you money when you put a bank card into it
  5. 7. if you'reon a tight ..., it means you don't have enough money to pay for basic needs
  6. 10. a written statement showing how much money you owe someone for goods or services you have received
  7. 11. if you live on the ..., it means you regularly receive money from your parents/government