
  1. 2. A machine you take out cash.
  2. 5. A thing you put stuff in that you want to buy.
  3. 6. / You use this to send money for a bill.
  4. 7. / Something you drink out of.
  5. 9. / Someone who takes your money when you buy something.
  6. 12. / You use this to pay for something when you don't have money right away.
  7. 14. / You write with this.
  8. 15. / Looks like your chromebook.
  1. 1. / Where you put your money in.
  2. 3. / Where you can look at on your computer.
  3. 4. / The person who buys something at a store.
  4. 6. / A thing you use to do math.
  5. 8. / You put liquid in this to serve people.
  6. 10. / Something you type with.
  7. 11. / Something you read to give you information.
  8. 13. / Paper money.