
  1. 3. A certain amount of money that is borrowed by someone from someone else but the person who borrowed would have payed back before a deadline.
  2. 4. The state of someone's financial situation that shows that they are struggling to pay of an amount of money which has to be payed back to someone.
  3. 6. The classification of which explains if a person is poor and does not have the money to provide the facilities to provide them with a proper lifestyle.
  4. 7. Something that everyone pays towards their safety on the road while driving for coverage in car accidents and for houses in case something happens to it(touch wood)!
  5. 8. The pay that someone receives from working every certain period of time.
  6. 10. Something that someone does in order to make a living.
  7. 12. Something that is charged or given to things like bank accounts and mortgage payments for homes.
  8. 14. How much someone makes.
  1. 1. A place that provides the borrowing of money and the deposit of it.
  2. 2. The money that the bank provides you with to purchase.
  3. 5. The classification that of which describes that the price of something is over priced and not affordable.
  4. 6. How much something costs.
  5. 9. The classification of which items are very affordable and not very expensive.
  6. 11. Things that you need to pay for if you bought something or monthly payments. For example(monthly hydro and electricity bills).
  7. 13. A chunk of money that the government collects every year based on your salary.
  8. 15. The classification of which explains if they are quite well of and can afford to do everything or at least most things that they want to do in life anyway.