
  1. 3. a person from another country who comes to this country to live.
  2. 7. the things that a person is expected to do, a duty.
  3. 9. the heads of the different government departments for example, Education or Health.
  4. 10. party an organisation that stands for election and has particular political ideas.
  1. 1. the things that a person is entitled to.
  2. 2. the contribution that is made by individuals and businesses to government revenue.
  3. 4. the things that make a person who they are, the things that make us the same as or different from other people.
  4. 5. a person who leaves this country to move to another one.
  5. 6. wage the legal national minimum rate of pay for workers aged 25 and older.
  6. 8. the highest law-making body consisting of head of state, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.