
  1. 2. when you take money out of your account
  2. 4. place to keep money safe, place to go to put money in and take money out
  3. 7. when you put money in your account
  4. 8. not spending money, putting money away to use at a later time
  5. 9. machine with money inside to make withdrawals or deposits
  6. 11. record at a bank to know how much money you have put away, can put money in and take money out
  1. 1. money that you earn from keeping money in a bank account.
  2. 3. secret code to help get into account when using an ATM
  3. 4. plan on how to spend money
  4. 5. something that changes the balance of your account, can be putting money in or taking money out.
  5. 6. number code that goes with a bank, code allows people to have checks automatically deposited.
  6. 10. made up of coins and notes. Can buy things we want