Money and Banking

  1. 3. banks chartered by the national government
  2. 5. anything people will accept as payment for goods and services
  3. 10. Value is from the type of material in which it is composed
  4. 11. savings accounts and time deposits that can be converted easily
  5. 12. checking accounts; can be converted to currency “on demand”
  6. 15. system which basic monetary unit is equal to the amount of gold
  7. 16. small, light, easy to carry
  8. 17. cards that represent money that the holder has on deposit with the issuer, such as a department store
  9. 19. having features, markings that are recognizable
  10. 20. money should be in short supply or it will not be worth anything.
  11. 22. exchanging goods and services for other goods and services
  12. 23. something that holds its value over time
  13. 24. It must be a valid form of exchange
  1. 1. banks chartered, licensed, by state governments
  2. 2. means through which goods and services can be exchanged
  3. 4. are electronic devices that allow bank customers to make deposits, withdrawals, and transfers and check their account balances at any time without seeing a bank teller
  4. 6. the value of the amount of money should stay the same.
  5. 7. so change can be made (Ex: Dollar can be divided into pennies, nickels, ect.)
  6. 8. Paper money backed by something tangible- such as good and silver- that gives it value
  7. 9. determines the economic worth in the exchange process
  8. 13. sturdy enough to last throughout transactions
  9. 14. only has value because government has issued fiat, order saying its valuable
  10. 18. paper money, coins
  11. 21. drafts can be purchased in a number of amounts and redeemed in many parts of the world