Money and Banking

  1. 1. Wampum and this were common barter items during colonial times
  2. 6. Electronic Funds ____ involves transferring money from one account to another electronically
  3. 7. The base unit of money in Japan
  4. 9. Automated Teller Machine
  5. 10. During this war, the U.S. used worthless paper money
  6. 12. This is the exchange of goods or services as payment
  7. 13. A person withdraws money from this account by writing a check
  8. 15. This is money that must be accepted because the law says so
  9. 17. The base unit of money in Europe
  10. 19. Value as a good
  11. 23. This type of money is backed by a valuable item
  1. 1. Overdraft charges have a maximum amount of this (dollars)
  2. 2. These can be turned into money easily without losing value
  3. 3. This type of checking occurs when a check is written for more money than is in the account
  4. 4. This type of money is given value through the government
  5. 5. Electronic Funds Transfer
  6. 6. Lack of privacy and ___ are problems with EFT
  7. 8. The base unit of money in the U.S.
  8. 11. Automated _____ Machine
  9. 14. This type of card lets an individual defer payments until a later time
  10. 16. The amount of hours it takes for money to transfer on a debit charge
  11. 18. The ___ Act of 1792 made the dollar the basic unit of currency
  12. 20. This type of card pulls money from a checkable account
  13. 21. Coins make up this percentage of our currency
  14. 22. Gold and ___ are used to back representative money