Money and Finance

  1. 1. the amount of money you make after you pay for your expenses
  2. 3. money or fees you must pay to survive. (ex: Rent, insurance, food)
  3. 5. money you bring INTO your family from work/job
  4. 8. money taken OUT of your gross income paycheck
  5. 9. tax you pay on the $$$ you earn
  6. 10. you pay a little bit more for everything you purchase
  7. 12. $$ you pay the government because you own boats, cars, houses, land
  8. 15. the fee a bank charges you to borrow money
  9. 16. a paper debit that you sign to pay for things. This debit removes money from your account
  10. 17. adding money to any account
  11. 19. an account one uses to spend money they don't have
  12. 21. person you work for
  13. 22. money subtracted from your account as you spend it
  14. 23. the exact amount of money you agree to work
  1. 2. money or fees you pay the government
  2. 4. paying bills without handling money by using the internet
  3. 6. making payment for a purchase that withdraws money out of your account immediately
  4. 7. the bank prints a listing of all your banking transactions over a month's time
  5. 11. a list of your expenses subtracted from your income (pay)
  6. 13. the price the store sells an item to you
  7. 14. the amount of your paycheck BEFORE deductions and taxes
  8. 18. the money you take home from your paycheck AFTER taxes
  9. 20. money you owe others and must pay back