Money and Markets

  1. 2. a factory where cloth is made
  2. 5. machine that recores sounds and plays them back
  3. 8. someone who creates things
  4. 9. money you borrow from a bank
  5. 10. money used in France, Germany and Italy
  6. 15. to replace something
  7. 16. any task or job you pay someone to do
  8. 18. anything you can buy
  9. 20. money people earn
  10. 22. things found in nature
  11. 24. to do something without being paid
  12. 25. a safe place to keep your money
  13. 26. to choose by voting
  14. 27. money you pay to the government for services
  15. 31. people who make things to sell
  16. 32. extra money you pay when you borrow money
  1. 1. money earned by children for doing chores
  2. 3. to be chosen by a leader for a job
  3. 4. the leader of a city
  4. 6. services things like roads and sidewalks
  5. 7. people who buy things
  6. 11. a duty to do or not do something
  7. 12. allows you to buy something now, and pay for it later
  8. 13. allows you to use your own money from your bank account
  9. 14. to use something again or in another way
  10. 16. someone who studies science
  11. 17. a place people who need it can get free food
  12. 19. a place where goods are made
  13. 21. anything people can use
  14. 23. to give one thing for another thing
  15. 28. when there is not enough of something to go around
  16. 29. having options
  17. 30. any group of producers and consumers