Money and Stocks

  1. 3. An investor who sells a stock at a price higher than the original purchase price has experienced a
  2. 4. A person or institution to which money is owed
  3. 7. A specific type of loan used to buy real estate
  4. 8. Stocks are issued in portions called?
  5. 11. An investor who sells a stock at a price lower than the original purchase price has suffered a
  6. 12. money is able to withstand daily wear and tear
  7. 13. When the stock market rises steadily over a period of time it is called
  8. 18. the price paid for the use of borrowed money
  9. 19. When you purchase stock, you have claims of _____ in the company or corporation
  10. 22. All of the money available in the United States' economy
  11. 24. Monetary system where coins and paper money are equal to the value of a certain amount of gold
  12. 26. The nation's central banking system
  1. 1. Savings bonds are considered what type of risk investment
  2. 2. having a certain amount of money maintains the value of money
  3. 5. Spreading out an investment over a number of options is called
  4. 6. Failure to pay back a loan
  5. 9. Stocks are considered what type of risk investment
  6. 10. Type of bond issued by business to attract capital
  7. 14. Type of bond issued by local and state governments
  8. 15. money is easy to carry around
  9. 16. These were widespread panics where people attempted to redeem their money all at once
  10. 17. the face value or principle of the bond
  11. 20. The interest rate the bond issuer will pay to the bondholder is called
  12. 21. This is the largest and most powerful exchange in the United States
  13. 23. The time when the payment is due to the bondholder is called
  14. 25. When the stock market falls over a period of time it is called
  15. 27. Type of bond issued by the United States government