Money, borrowing, lending

  1. 2. Money for starting business or company
  2. 4. where you write down any money flows that has been or will be paid
  3. 9. In different countries there may be different ...
  4. 13. Money that is given to 3rd world country's as a help
  5. 15. Regularly paid payments
  6. 18. someone lends money with ... to gain from it
  7. 19. Money that's coming in form someone or company
  8. 20. Money in other words
  9. 21. Money you get when you retire
  1. 1. returned money that goes to lender as a percentage
  2. 3. Money that is placed somewhere
  3. 5. Money paid for your weekly work
  4. 6. money given to allow to sell something cheaper
  5. 7. sum of money lent or invested on which interest is paid
  6. 8. When you barrow money from bank
  7. 10. Money paid for your regular work
  8. 11. Place where money for pensions is hold
  9. 12. Money that needs to be paid to someone
  10. 14. Borrowed money that has to paid back
  11. 16. when someone puts money in business
  12. 17. when Money that has been paid is given back legally