Money Buddies

  1. 1. / Abbreviated term for interest rate that describes TOTAL cost of borrowing
  2. 2. / Annual expenditure that car owners will need to budget for
  3. 5. / Abbreviated term for interest paid from current, deposit or savings account
  4. 6. / Banks require this along with other personal details to open accounts - initials
  5. 9. / Looks like a personal cheque, but issued by the bank and drawn from the banks own account
  6. 10. / Payment into bank account
  1. 1. / Hole in the wall
  2. 3. / Banking facility which allows you to withdraw money you haven't got!
  3. 4. / Initials for regular fixed payments you authorise your bank to pay from one account to another
  4. 6. / You will be in ... when you borrow money
  5. 7. / Method of transferring funds electronically from one account to another e.g monthly wages
  6. 8. / Hire purchase items are not owned until the ... of the payment schedule
  7. 9. / Interest figure set by the Bank of England is usually described as the ... rate
  8. 10. / Initials for a payment you permit a company to claim from your account at regular intervals
  9. 11. / You need this number to use your credit/debit card