Money Buddies

  1. 2. Hole in the wall (1,1,1)
  2. 3. Initials for regular fixed payments you authorise your bank to pay from one account to another (1,1)
  3. 6. Banks require this along with other personal details to open accounts - initials (1,1,1)
  4. 7. Abbreviated term for interest rate that describes TOTAL cost of borrowing (1,1,1)
  5. 9. Looks like a personal cheque, but issued by the bank and drawn from the banks own account (4,5)
  6. 11. Payment into bank account (7)
  7. 12. Hire purchase items are not owned until the ... of the payment schedule (3)
  1. 1. Method of transferring funds electronically from one account to another e.g monthly wages (1,1,1,1)
  2. 4. Banking facility which allows you to withdraw money you haven't got! (9)
  3. 5. Abbreviated term for interest paid from current, deposit or savings account (1,1,1)
  4. 6. You will be in ... when you borrow money (4)
  5. 8. You need this number to use your credit/debit card (1,1,1)
  6. 9. Interest figure set by the Bank of England is usually described as the ... rate (4)
  7. 10. Annual expenditure that car owners will need to budget for (1,1,1)
  8. 11. Initials for a payment you permit a company to claim from your account at regular intervals (1,1)