Money, cash, card...

  1. 8. an amount in excess especially on the credit side of an account
  2. 9. removal from a place of deposit or investment
  3. 10. conveyance of against property (as for securing a loan)
  4. 13. seller
  5. 17. no responsibility at all
  6. 18. an amount of money that is paid at one time
  7. 19. spend too much money
  8. 20. (informal) dollar
  9. 21. having an abundance of goods or riches
  1. 1. a period of time beyond a due date during which a financial obligation may be met without penalty or cancellation
  2. 2. characterized by, based on, or done by cheating, decieving
  3. 3. one of the parts into which a debt is divided
  4. 4. the quality of being variable
  5. 5. (informal)pound
  6. 6. something owed
  7. 7. reduced to a state of financial ruin
  8. 11. to buy back, repurchase
  9. 12. (informal)having a large amount of money
  10. 14. a legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property after death
  11. 15. suitable, qualified to participate or be chosen
  12. 16. money given as a pledge or down payment