Money Crossword

  1. 2. the ability to borrow money and pay it back
  2. 3. A written order of payment
  3. 4. Work that is pursued for most of their life
  4. 9. to give money, toys and clothes to help people, animals or communities
  5. 11. A financial institution
  6. 12. Something you want to achieve within years
  7. 15. money earned in deposited in checking
  8. 16. something that is given up to do something else
  9. 18. Giving someone money that would be paid back to you
  10. 21. Money for the future
  11. 22. An Object used to purchase goods and services
  12. 23. Money that is owed
  13. 24. Something you must have to survive
  14. 25. money paid to the government
  15. 26. A form of money
  16. 28. the possibility of something unplanned happing (money lost)
  17. 30. Something you would like to have
  18. 31. To receive money
  1. 1. A plan that outlines uses of money
  2. 2. A nonprofit making money cooperative
  3. 4. to give and help people, animals or communities with money
  4. 5. Something you want to achieve
  5. 6. Work you complete to receive money
  6. 7. Something you want to achieve within weeks or months
  7. 8. Money received from job
  8. 10. Money gained or left over after money spent
  9. 13. Loan that you have to payback
  10. 14. money that is paid to keep in the bank or cooperative
  11. 17. money such as coins and bills
  12. 19. money set aside for later use
  13. 20. cost of goods and services; money spend
  14. 27. profit made from investment
  15. 29. Using money