Money crossword

  1. 2. money in the form of coins and paper notes
  2. 4. valuable things such as gold or jewellery that has been hidden
  3. 6. a piece of paper that shows how much you have paid for something
  4. 9. to take and use something that belongs to someone else and give it back to them later
  5. 11. to put money in a bank or buy something in order to get more money back later when you sell it
  1. 1. something that belongs to you (car, phone, flat, computer)
  2. 2. a special printed form that you use to pay for things, using the money in your bank account. You write the amount of money, the date, and the name of the person you are paying on it, and then you sign it.
  3. 3. a machine outside a bank that you use to get money from your account
  4. 5. to give an additional amount of money to someone such as a waiter or taxi driver
  5. 7. to get money from the work that you do
  6. 8. a piece of paper money
  7. 9. a list of things that you have bought or that someone has done for you, showing how much you have to pay for them
  8. 10. to let someone borrow something that you own