Money Finance & Econ

  1. 3. financial support given to people in need
  2. 5. Has both command and market guidelines/regulation.
  3. 7. attain an increase in value over a period of time.
  4. 8. a set of price with a limitation
  5. 10. Borrowing money
  6. 12. sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose
  7. 13. money paid regularly at a rate for the use of money lent.
  8. 15. people who buys things like needs and wants
  9. 16. private ownership,supply/demand impact prices,profit motive
  10. 17. Workers, people who will build/assemble/grow the product
  11. 19. government revenue, especially taxes.
  12. 20. make of something that is needed or wanted available to someone.
  1. 1. the amount by which something, a sum of money is too small.
  2. 2. Where will the product be made? Where will the factory/plant be built? What natural resources will be used to produce the product?
  3. 4. need a license for certain professions, pollution regulations, public services funded by taxation
  4. 6. Putting together the above three factors together to make a product
  5. 8. unable to pay for outstanding debts
  6. 9. A price to pay for
  7. 11. decreasing in percentage or prices
  8. 14. rising in percentage or prices.
  9. 18. Something produced to produce other things