Money Heist

  1. 2. Belief in the reliability, truth, or strength of something
  2. 5. Information about a situation or event that is not generally known
  3. 10. Tools or devices used for defence or offence
  4. 11. Establishment for gambling and entertainment
  5. 13. Mental or emotional strain caused by demanding circumstances
  6. 15. Chance of loss, injury, or harm
  7. 16. Institution where people are held as punishment for crimes
  8. 18. Secure lockable box used for storing valuable items
  1. 1. Act of getting away from danger or confinement
  2. 3. Monitoring of behaviour or activities for the purpose of information gathering
  3. 4. People who steal things
  4. 6. Illegal activity that involves stealing from a person or place
  5. 7. Educator who teaches in a college or university
  6. 8. Disguises worn to conceal identity
  7. 9. Medium of exchange or currency
  8. 12. Long-term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal
  9. 13. Scheme or plot to achieve a goal
  10. 14. Person taken captive to be used as leverage in negotiations
  11. 17. Financial institution for depositing and borrowing money