Money idioms

  1. 3. waste money: pour your money down the X
  2. 4. smth is very valuable: worth its weight in X
  3. 6. cutting down on expenses in order to save money: tighten your X
  4. 10. to have just enough money to live, no extra: to live from hand to X
  5. 11. worth the money: good X for money
  6. 12. born into a wealthy family: born with a X spoon
  7. 13. feel wonderful: feel like a million X
  8. 14. money is limited: money doesn't grow on X
  9. 16. smth is given to the customer for free: on the X
  10. 19. earn money for the family: to bring home the X
  11. 20. smn who is unwilling to spend money: penny X
  12. 21. pay very little money (salary): pay X
  13. 23. time is valuable: time is X
  1. 1. to have more money than you need: have money to X
  2. 2. pay a great amount of money (salary): pay a X
  3. 5. common and not special: a X a dozen
  4. 6. one's income: bread and X
  5. 7. in conditions of wealth and comfort: live in a X of luxury
  6. 8. to be suddenly rich: X it rich
  7. 9. to cost too much: break the X
  8. 13. to be very poor: to be on the X
  9. 14. pay the bill (in a restaurant): pick up the X
  10. 15. spending money on smth unnecessary: have more money than X
  11. 17. earn just enough money to live on: make X meet
  12. 18. to be extremely poor: not have a X to your name
  13. 22. pay for smth: X the bill