Money Idioms

  1. 5. I've always paid the bills and been the ________ in my family.
  2. 6. Canadians love __________ at malls in the winter because it's too cold to go out.
  3. 7. Abhi is a real _________; he can't stop spending money!
  4. 8. The man got ______ from his job for stealing his coworkers' lunches.
  5. 11. Abdulrahman _______ a lot on his new car.
  6. 13. Satwinder __________ her savings when she moved to Hawaii for her retirement.
  7. 15. Growing up, my parents always told me not to waste money because it doesn't grow on _____.
  8. 17. "Stop being lazy and get off the couch Tom! Time is ______ !"
  9. 18. Mohamed is a real __________; he only buys something when he needs it.
  10. 20. Maria brings home the ______ in her family ever since her husband lost his job.
  1. 1. Suha is flat ______ after buying herself three fancy dresses.
  2. 2. When I moved to Canada, I had to work extra hours just to ________.
  3. 3. Opening the new restaurant cost Kiran's family _________.
  4. 4. Asif ______ the waiter a generous amount because he's such a nice guy.
  5. 9. I hear her father is rolling in ______, so he can support her educational endeavors.
  6. 10. Arezo paid a __________ for a new perfume the other day.
  7. 12. My boss will pick up the ____ for lunch.
  8. 14. I don't know what Sabira's job is but she certainly seems to have ________.
  9. 16. "Hmm, I don't know which phone to buy. I don't want to break the _____."
  10. 19. Beneesh controls the ________ in her family because she is the smartest when it comes to money.