Money Kuba

  1. 1. when you paid in supermarket, they give you ...
  2. 3. when you owe someone a money, you have a ...
  3. 4. Lot of people ... money for thinks that they don´t need
  4. 5. ... of this hause is unacceptable
  5. 7. I have a new ... with Real Madrid
  6. 9. Pilots get a good ...
  7. 11. when you borrow money for a hause, bank give you a ...
  1. 2. I have a great ... on my bank account
  2. 6. during a ... we lost a lot of money
  3. 7. money of small value
  4. 8. Alcohol and cigaretes are lade a higher ...
  5. 10. Executors have a big ...