Money Management

  1. 3. a plan for managing income and expenses
  2. 5. adding money to a bank account
  3. 6. subtracting money from a bank account
  4. 9. expenses that can be controlled and that change from month to month
  5. 11. spending for an emergency, an urgent need, or an impulse purchase
  6. 14. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  7. 15. money paid for the use of someone else's money
  8. 16. automatic teller machine
  9. 17. giving up some of one thing in order to acquire more of another
  10. 18. spending you expect and for which you plan
  1. 1. expenses that occur once or a few times a year.
  2. 2. the next-best alternative that is given up when a choice is made
  3. 4. a confidential code used to access private financial information or to make a transaction
  4. 7. writing a check or using a debit card for an amount that is more that the amount on deposit in a bank account
  5. 8. expenses that cannot be easily changed and that remain essentially the same from month to month
  6. 10. income not earned on a regular schedule
  7. 12. the fee charged by a financial institution for certain service it provided to customers
  8. 13. a plastic card that is used to deduct funds automatically and immediately from a checking account