Money Management Vocabulary

  1. 2. A set amount of money paid for a certain period of time.
  2. 3. A type of retirement savings account where money is deposited directly by your employer for retirement.
  3. 5. A statement that accompanies a paycheck highlighting earned income and deductions.
  4. 7. Expenses that change or vary from month to month.
  5. 8. A written plan to help you make the most of the money you have.
  6. 9. A bill or statement of charges
  7. 13. person or institution that provides you with the loan.
  8. 14. The ability to purchase goods and services with the promise to pay for it at a later time.
  9. 16. maximum amount a credit card company will allow someone to borrow on a single card.
  10. 18. Benefits provided by an employer along with the worker's regular paycheck. (i.e. sick leave, vacation time, medical insurance)
  11. 20. Money withheld from a paycheck for tax or savings purposes.
  12. 22. The amount of money left after subtracting deductions from gross income.
  13. 23. To make the bank statement balance agree with your checkbook balance.
  14. 25. A check which the bank has paid and deducted from you account.
  15. 26. A check written for money that is not available in the account.
  1. 1. The bank's listing of checks paid, deposits and service charges to your account for the month.
  2. 4. A set amount of pay for every hour of work.
  3. 6. A person's total wage or salary before any deductions are made
  4. 10. A number ranging from 300 to 850 representing a person's credit history.
  5. 11. Expenses that are the same each month.
  6. 12. Checks which you have written but the bank has not yet returned to you.
  7. 15. A bank form used to put money into your account.
  8. 17. A fee charged for writing a credit contract.
  9. 19. Amount of money you borrow, which must be paid back to the lender within a given period of time.
  10. 21. Interest previously earned that is added to the total before new interest earnings are figured
  11. 24. To sign your name on the back of a check payable to you.