Money Matters

  1. 6. A statistical estimation of how likely a potential borrower is to pay his or her debts and, by extension, how much credit he or she should have.
  2. 7. When someone borrows from someone under an agreement that the first party (the borrower) will repay the value of the loan.
  3. 10. A request for payment under the terms of an insurance policy.
  4. 13. The amount held in an account at the end of a reporting period.
  5. 16. when someone dies, their assets and/or (under legal adult)children are legally handed to a person whom they previously chose.
  6. 17. Anything owned that has a value that can provide a future benefit
  7. 18. An obligation owed by one party (the debtor) to a second party (the creditor).
  8. 19. An increase in the price of goods and services.
  1. 1. the untaxed amount of money someone has earned
  2. 2. Loans, grants, scholarships, and work-study programs provided by federally and privately funded sources to enable students to attend college.
  3. 3. A legal document that serves as evidence of ownership of an asset or security.
  4. 4. Money or other compensation received from any source.
  5. 5. The value of a company’s or individual’s assets minus liabilities.
  6. 8. An equity investment in a company. Stockholders own a share of the company and are entitled to any dividends and financial participation in company growth.
  7. 9. an amount that is subtracted from one's gross amount of pay.
  8. 11. A reduction in the price of goods and services.
  9. 12. A unit of ownership in a corporation or financial asset.
  10. 14. An amount of money that is deducted from goods, services, or paychecks and given to a party
  11. 15. the end result amount money that someone receives on a paycheck after tax has been deducted
  12. 20. yearly