Money Matters

  1. 1. the kind, grade, or make of a product or service, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like:
  2. 6. money in the form of coins or banknotes, especially that issued by a government.
  3. 8. to be under obligation to pay or repay:
  4. 9. to grant the use of (something) on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned.
  5. 10. a fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for regular work or services.
  6. 11. a building, or a part of one, for the storage of goods, merchandise, etc.
  1. 2. to be able to meet the expense of; have or be able to spare the price of
  2. 3. to deduct a certain amount from (a bill, charge, etc.):
  3. 4. to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy.
  4. 5. a charge or payment for professional services:
  5. 7. the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition:
  6. 12. a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property.