Money Matters

  1. 1. Management of a firm’s current balance of assets and liabilities; involves accounts payable and receivable, inventory, and cash
  2. 5. The process of keeping and interpreting financial records
  3. 7. Invested money used for new business opportunities
  4. 8. Anything of value that a business or individual owns
  5. 9. Finance activity involving making decisions about a firm’s investments
  6. 10. All monies owed by the business to others
  7. 11. A sum of money paid to an investor or stockholder as earnings on an investment
  8. 13. Decisions that determine which projects a business will invest in, how the investment(s) will be financed, and whether to pay dividends to shareholders
  9. 16. In business, the function that involves all money and money management matters
  10. 17. A firm’s mix of financing, usually some combination of debt and equity
  11. 18. Ratio that refers to the number of days between a company paying for raw materials and receiving cash from selling the products made from those raw materials
  1. 2. A process in which a firm’s financial managers determine which projects it should invest in
  2. 3. All monies owed to a firm by its customers
  3. 4. Finance activity involving making decisions about financing
  4. 6. Using money that is lent by a bank or other institution to finance a project
  5. 12. A measure of how well a business generates cash flow in relation to the capital it has already invested in itself
  6. 14. Funding a business activity or project through debt, equity, or venture capital
  7. 15. Using money from investors to finance a project in exchange for shares in the company