Money Matters Vocab

  1. 3. Form of legal tender which can be used to exchange goods, debt or services
  2. 9. Something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value or a means of payments.
  3. 14. Wire transfer of money from one bank account to another.
  4. 17. Means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy.
  5. 18. Standard mass of gold defines the value of a currency unit.
  6. 19. Promissory notes issued by a Federal Reserve Bank
  7. 20. Type of Government bond issued with shorter maturities than T-Bonds.
  1. 1. Government bonds issued with terms of 4,13,26,or 52 weeks.
  2. 2. Type of treasuries which have the longest maturities of all government bonds
  3. 4. Desired holding of financial assets in the form of money - cash and bank deposit.
  4. 5. Actions of a central bank, currency board or regulatory committee specifying the size and rate of growth of the money supply.
  5. 6. Paper currency issued by the Continental Congress
  6. 7. Form of Debt issued by a national government
  7. 8. Type of money made with metal, stamped and issued by the authority of government
  8. 10. Rate at which a unit of currency of one country can be exchanged or a unit of currency of another currency.
  9. 11. Total amount of money assets available in a country's economy at a specific time.
  10. 12. Payment card which provides the cardholder electronic access to their bank account.
  11. 13. Payment card issued by a bank to cardholders as a method of payment.
  12. 15. Slip of paper which allows the user to make a payment from his or her bank account to a business or individual.
  13. 16. System of money in general use in a country