  1. 2. pay someone all the money that you owe them.
  2. 6. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.
  3. 7. a card authorizing purchases on credit.
  4. 8. unwilling to spend or give money.
  5. 9. someone who does not like spending money and can be unpleasant about it.
  6. 10. having no home or permanent place of residence.
  7. 13. something that you give in order to help something be successful.
  8. 16. the money that people or organizations have put into a company, business, or bank, in order to get a profit or to make a business activity successful.
  9. 17. something spent to attain a goal or accomplish a purpose.
  10. 18. to receive with the implied or expressed intention of returning the same or an equivalent.
  11. 20. a sense of deep regret and guilt for some misdeed.
  1. 1. an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor.
  2. 2. a rich person who gives money to help who are poor.
  3. 3. feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about.
  4. 4. someone who spends money carelessly, especially when he or she doesn´t have a lot of it.
  5. 5. using money carefully and wisely
  6. 11. something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.
  7. 12. a careful plan of how you will spend money.
  8. 14. it´s the opposite of deposit.
  9. 15. willing to give more money.
  10. 19. money that you gain by selling things or doing business.