Money, money, money

  1. 3. when you take some money from someone and return it later
  2. 4. a receipt you get in a restaurant
  3. 7. to have value, especially in money
  4. 8. to ask for a certain amount of money for a service
  5. 10. when you keep money for use in the future
  6. 12. when you spend too much money on something stupid
  1. 1. when you have enough money to buy something
  2. 2. a loan you take to buy a house
  3. 5. to receive money from someone after they have died
  4. 6. to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you
  5. 9. when you give someone some money but you expect this person to pay you back
  6. 11. the money everyone has to pay to the government