Money, Money, Money

  1. 2. A sum of money given on a regular basis.
  2. 4. Cost; charge.
  3. 9. The money that is used for a particular purpose.
  4. 10. Something lent, especially a sum of money lent at interest.
  5. 12. Gambling game or method of raising money in which a large number of tickets are sold and a drawing is held for prizes.
  6. 13. An estimate of expected income and expenses.
  7. 15. Money paid or charged for a loan.
  1. 1. An interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution to save money.
  2. 3. A small plastic card issued by a bank, building society, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  3. 5. Shares of a company that are divided and sold to its members.
  4. 6. Money in the form of coins or banknotes
  5. 7. The sum of money for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale.
  6. 8. Anything given as security or in partial. payment Something paid; an amount paid.
  7. 11. Something that is owed or that one should pay to another.
  8. 14. A sum charged or paid, as for professional services.