Money Money Money

  1. 2. Fees for the support of government required to be paid by people and businesses.
  2. 3. A thing that people are generally willing to use as a form of payment. This can be in a phhysical or in an online form.
  3. 5. (More Economically Developed Country) A highly industrialized country with high average incomes, good quality healthcare, and education, lots of tertiary industry (Tourism, hospitality, finance etc).
  4. 7. Living and having an inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
  5. 8. Flying mammal
  6. 12. Large marsupial
  7. 14. Non-essential things that you may choose to buy.
  8. 15. Exchange of an item for another item to get what you want.
  9. 16. Things that are required in order to live
  10. 18. Actions or activities that one person performs for another
  11. 19. Money in the form of bills or coins
  12. 21. The basic physical things that we need in a society (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies)
  1. 1. The value of a currency in one country compared with the value in another
  2. 4. A system based on money by which goods and services are made and distributed
  3. 6. A digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to control and verify the transfer of funds.
  4. 9. Man's best friend
  5. 10. Likes to chase mice
  6. 11. Physical objects such as clothes or shoes
  7. 13. Disposable income not spent for consumer goods.
  8. 17. Has a trunk
  9. 20. (Less Economically Developed Country) A very underdeveloped, poor country which has: not very much money, low quality housing, generally quite high debt levels, low literacy levels and lots of raw materials which they sell to MEDC's