Money, money, money

  1. 3. to receive and use something that belongs to someone else, and promise to give it back to them later
  2. 4. a situation in which time, money, or energy is used without bringing any useful result
  3. 6. use your money with the aim of making a profit from it, for example by buying property or buying shares in a company
  4. 7. you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt
  5. 8. to receive money for work that you do
  6. 9. to give someone something for a short time, expecting that they will give it back to you later. If you lend someone something, they borrow it from you
  1. 1. a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house. You pay back your mortgage by making monthly payments
  2. 2. a flat round piece of metal with special designs on it, used as money. A piece of money made from paper is called a banknote or a note.
  3. 5. you have enough money to be able to pay for it. This word usually follows ‘can’, ‘could’, or ‘be able to'
  4. 7. to receive property or money from someone who has died