money money money

  1. 4. a lot of money
  2. 7. ask someone to pay for your service
  3. 8. a special offer, something that can be bought much cheaper
  4. 11. when you have enough money to buy somehing you can . . . it
  5. 13. being poor
  1. 1. There's a flat which we can . . .
  2. 2. if you need some money you can take a bank . . .
  3. 3. the synonym of THINK
  4. 5. someone who doesn't have a lot of money
  5. 6. the money that elderly people get
  6. 9. a document that you are given after doing some shopping (e.g. in the supermarket)
  7. 10. when someone has a lot of money they are well...
  8. 12. not mean=
  9. 14. the extra money that you leave to a waiter because you want to