Money, Money, Money!!!!!!

  1. 2. the government controls this economic system
  2. 4. businesses produce ____ and services.
  3. 6. if there is low demand and a lot of supply, then prices are
  4. 7. makes production more efficient
  5. 10. USA's economic system
  6. 13. people who buy goods and services
  7. 14. total profits (expenses excluded)
  8. 16. land, labor, and capital are factors of
  9. 17. I want to ___ in Amazon stock.
  10. 18. when consumers buy from _________, the economy is good.
  1. 1. money has a higher value after ____
  2. 3. printing money to pay our debt would cause massive
  3. 5. the invisible hand plays a role in
  4. 7. the price of a product depends on
  5. 8. if supply equals demand, then prices are
  6. 9. an example of transfer payment
  7. 11. we ___ goods from China
  8. 12. the $ left after all expenses are paid
  9. 14. C + I + G is the formula of
  10. 15. advanced transportation and fuel production are examples of