Money One

  1. 1. the act of adding up all of your income and expenses
  2. 2. the amount of money put into your account
  3. 4. money deducted from your account
  4. 5. expense that change month to month and week to week
  5. 8. The amount of money you have in your account
  6. 10. a person or or organization that uses a commodity or service
  7. 12. expenses that are the same every month
  1. 1. planning the income and debit of funds for a period of time
  2. 3. a set amount of pay you receive regularly at work
  3. 4. the act of putting money in your account
  4. 6. the amount of money you have being paid to you for a given time period
  5. 7. a resource with economic value that a person or company owns with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit
  6. 9. Allows a person to manage a bank account holder's funds through actions such as withdrawing or depositing money, viewing account balances, etc.\
  7. 11. an amount of money that you have to pay regularly to do or have something