Money Puzzle

  1. 7. a plan for resources
  2. 9. money made
  3. 12. money paid to own something
  4. 14. expense changes with quality
  5. 15. of Living the cost of goods
  6. 16. money planned to make
  7. 18. interest intrest computed
  8. 20. Card a card authorizing purchases with credit
  9. 21. money saved
  10. 23. Price the products average price
  11. 25. being responsible especially by law
  12. 26. intrest calculated on the principle
  1. 1. expenses not dependent on purchases
  2. 2. tax on money made
  3. 3. something owed
  4. 4. worth the total worth of an individual
  5. 5. Withholding to hold back
  6. 6. a place for safe keeping
  7. 8. financial burden
  8. 10. income taxed income
  9. 11. Account bank account for checks
  10. 12. form of exchange
  11. 13. act of taking away
  12. 17. income money made before taxes
  13. 19. denoting an original sum invested
  14. 22. Entire property
  15. 24. tax a tax on receipts from sales