Money to burn

  1. 2. great comfort, expensive and high quality
  2. 4. to move the back of a car from side to side
  3. 6. (hyphenated word) the best, highest quality
  4. 8. drove very fast
  5. 15. (hyphenated word) have money/cash
  6. 16. (3 words) have lots of money to spend any way you want to
  7. 18. know about, notice
  8. 19. driving to make black tyre marks on the road in the shape of a round circle
  9. 20. unsafe, dangerous
  10. 21. something that started a pattern of behaviour
  1. 1. statistics, numbers
  2. 3. people who take part in something or are involved in something or with someone
  3. 5. people who drive fast and take little care, reckless drivers
  4. 7. (hyphenated word) an adjective describing a driver who uses the accelerator and speeds
  5. 9. no respect, no thinking about
  6. 10. taken by police into legal care/custody
  7. 11. rich, wealthy
  8. 12. people who speed
  9. 13. quickly take something, caught by police
  10. 14. driving to make black tyre marks on the road
  11. 17. danger or damage caused by uncontrolled bad behaviour