Money vocabulary

  1. 2. It is the % charged to the amount lent.
  2. 4. A plan used to know how much money can be spent.
  3. 5. To give(a prize) to someone or something.
  4. 8. An organization that helps the poor, sick, etc.
  5. 9. Money that is earned from work, investments,etc.
  6. 10. An amount of money that you owe.
  7. 11. A record of money that is paid or received.
  8. 12. The act of using money to earn more money.
  9. 13. To finish paying a debt (phrasal verb).
  10. 14. A bank account in which you keep your money.
  11. 15. Money given to someone by a company for a use.
  1. 1. The way in which you use your money.
  2. 3. To separate money and not to spend it (p. verb)
  3. 6. An amount of money that is taken from an account.
  4. 7. Job or money you have or earn to live.
  5. 10. Something that you give in order to help.