Money Vocabulary

  1. 2. To take and use something with the intention of returning it
  2. 7. To receive money from a parent or relative
  3. 9. To use or expend carelessly, or for no purpose
  4. 11. To allow someone to use something temporarily on the understanding that it will be returned to you
  5. 12. The bill in a restaurant
  6. 13. To pay money for buying a good or service
  7. 14. A sum of money as a penalty for breaking the law
  1. 1. To risk money in a game or casino
  2. 3. To pay someone for the use of property, land, or a car
  3. 4. To acquire money from a contest or bet
  4. 5. A statement of money owed for goods or services supplied
  5. 6. Money in the form of paper bills
  6. 8. To get money for labor or services
  7. 10. An official notice of a traffic offense