Money Vocabulary

  1. 3. metal money
  2. 5. prosperous
  3. 8. a value or size of a series of values or sizes
  4. 10. to decline suddenly and steeply
  5. 11. an available quantity of material or intangible resources
  6. 13. something (such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes) that is in circulation as a medium of exchange
  7. 16. the crime of falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document
  8. 18. to give in return for goods or service
  9. 20. favourable
  10. 23. a member of a bank's staff concerned with the direct handling of money received or paid out
  11. 24. bustling
  12. 25. to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return
  13. 26. to become wrecked
  14. 27. FLOW
  1. 1. a share received by gift or inheritance
  2. 2. economic
  3. 4. to assume a business risk in hope of gain
  4. 6. leading
  5. 7. to apportion and take shares of something
  6. 9. a piece of paper money
  7. 10. made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive
  8. 12. an indefinite or specified amount of money
  9. 14. to be under obligation to pay or repay in return for something received : be indebted in the sum of
  10. 15. any of various basic monetary units
  11. 17. one that offers for sale
  12. 18. the basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom
  13. 19. a coin, token, or note representing one cent
  14. 21. the basic monetary unit of Indonesia
  15. 22. mutual