Money Words

  1. 2. To give money to somebody, which they have to pay you back later.
  2. 6. An greement with a bank to keep your money.
  3. 8. A written promise to repair or replace something you bought.
  4. 10. To ask people to give you money for a particular purpose (e.g. for charity).
  5. 12. An organisation that keeps your money or lends it to you.
  1. 1. Money you borrow from a bank.
  2. 3. A reduction in the usual price.
  3. 4. To get money as a result of a competition, lottery etc.
  4. 5. To keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy something.
  5. 7. Money that worker get for doing their job usually paid every month.
  6. 9. To get money for work that you do.
  7. 11. Money in the form of coins or notes.