  1. 1. account an arrangement with the bank in which the customer puts in and takes out money and the bank keeps a record of it
  2. 4. to give money to help a person or organisation
  3. 5. to keep a bit of money aside for the future
  4. 6. a foldable object that men use to keep their money or cards in
  5. 7. to give money as payment for something
  6. 9. box you put money inside this to save it for a rainy day
  7. 10. a small container for money, usually used by women
  8. 12. to come first in a competition
  1. 2. paper money
  2. 3. money an amount of money that parents regularly give their children to spend as they choose
  3. 6. to spend money on silly things
  4. 8. small metal objects you use to pay for things
  5. 11. to receive money in payment for work that you have done