
  1. 2. You need to do this when you buy something
  2. 4. Mathmatics
  3. 5. What you are aiming for
  4. 6. The amount sold
  5. 9. You may pay so much of this to the tax people
  6. 11. Money you put aside
  7. 12. Assets turned into money
  8. 14. You may owe money
  9. 15. You get paid so much for each sale
  10. 17. Meeting new people with simular ideas or or same interests
  11. 18. General idea
  12. 19. Alot of money or assets
  1. 1. You should get this regulary
  2. 3. Geting ideas together
  3. 7. How much you have to spend on your idea
  4. 8. This should make you money
  5. 10. Promoting your idea
  6. 13. Something that is worth money
  7. 16. Aloe Blacc sings about it