
  1. 2. amount of money for which things are sold
  2. 4. money put aside for future use
  3. 6. notes and coins
  4. 8. cause to retire (employee)
  5. 10. the act of selling
  6. 12. not enough money to pay debts
  7. 13. more than one country
  8. 15. represent numbers by symbols
  9. 16. money avaliable to spend
  10. 18. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  11. 20. how much you earn when you get paid
  1. 1. money that is paid by the hour, day, or week
  2. 3. money that you earn that you can spend
  3. 5. expressing a number as a fraction
  4. 7. involving money
  5. 9. something to do with work
  6. 11. an occupation
  7. 14. money you get from work
  8. 17. unit of money used in some countries
  9. 19. have as a price