  1. 2. Plural form of saving
  2. 4. A printed form with a specified amount you give to a bank in order to get money
  3. 5. Something you learn in accounting
  4. 9. A person who's job is to keep or inspect your accounts
  5. 12. A printed or written statement of the amount of money owed for something
  6. 13. A person or organization that is unable to pay their debt
  7. 15. A place
  8. 16. The machine you get your money from
  9. 18. Something that is borrowed but must be returned back
  10. 19. Where your money goes to
  11. 20. A sum payable as a first instalment on the purchase of something
  1. 1. Another word for dollars
  2. 3. A clear expression of something in writing
  3. 6. An act of taking money out of an account
  4. 7. A book or other collection of financial accounts
  5. 8. A financial gain
  6. 10. Another word for loose change
  7. 11. Taking out more than what you have in the bank
  8. 14. What you get after purchasing something
  9. 17. Something you buy stuff with